Monday, August 19, 2013


Funny to see all those pics from your Duck Dynasty party. Looks like this show is the real deal. Haha from the picture those donuts looked really goood.. mmmmm donuts. Did Alyssa start school today?? First day of Senior Year!! Elder McCusker reminded me the other day that was 3 years ago for us! Holy smokes how the time flies. Jason and Dad- You were supposed to kill Bambi´s dad what happened? Did ya choke and miss him? Come on Smalls your killin me!! Alyssa-Good luck with your dance this Friday at the game! Hope that ya have a cool time. Sounds like your summer finished up and now you will all be busy with school and what not. 

Another great week with my buddy Elder McCusker. Monday we taught Enrique and the talk that the hermano Rojas had given about the restoration last Sunday really had an impact on Enrique and he received his answer and is continuing to prepare for baptism. Oh man i was so happy to hear that and was so grateful to the Lord for that miracle. The Saturday before that hermano gave that talk Bishop asked who should give the talk in that sacrament meeting and Hermano Rojas was the first person that jumped to my mind and the bishop asked Hno Rojas? It was inspired and it worked out perfectly and Enrique will hopefully be baptized this Saturday. He is very integrated in the ward and he is someone super special. I could easily see him being a future leader in the church. 

Elder McCusker and I went to Tocopilla on Thursday afternoon because we needed to to a baptismal interview. Tocopilla is 2.5 hours away from Calama and its this little sleepy beach town. It is an awesome place. The weather was perfect there. It felt so good to go there and to feel the ocean breeze in my face. I went and did the baptismal interview and then worked on a exchanges with one of the companionship and then Elder McCusker went with the other companionship. It was a great time to go to Tocopilla. It was the very first time that I had been there. We got back on Friday night late and then Saturday we were able to work in our sector. 

Saturday we met with Alina and it was a cool experience. She talked to us about a lot of things, mainly about most of the hardships and difficult things she has had to pass through came from her not living the gospel and being active in the church and her own sins. But she also expressed her gratitude for us and the help that we have given her and her family. It was amazing to see how thankful and grateful she was for the Lord sending us to her house.

It was one of those eye opening moments in life that we have. Sometimes we really can't comprehend or see the miracles that happen and the wonderful things that come to people as they find the gospel and it later changes them forever. She is recommitted to the gospel and is so happy that she will be able to raise her other 3 kids in the church and she is excited to have the priesthood in her home.

As i reflected about some of the things I was so grateful for parents who stuck to the gospel and had lived it through their lives. I really pondered about how many of the difficult things that we go through we bring upon ourselves as of consequence of our decisions. How important is obedience and living the gospel daily in our lives. 

We are hoping to have 6 baptisms this Saturday. Alina´s sons Juan, Javier and José are getting baptized, Enrique and then these 2 other girls of a a family that is reactivating. We need some miracles for Enrique and the 2 girls (Katina, and Karla) but we have the faith that everything will work out. 

Thursday we have a zone conference with Elder Viñas from the Seventy and then another Area Seventy. We are super pumped. There is a meeting for an hour with the zone leaders and the sister trainer leaders of the mission, and then after that we have conference for like 4 hours and then in the end we are going to be able to take pictures with them. I am really excited to see them and to hear what they will have to say to us. 

The transfer is already half way over. I really cant believe it. It has gone by so fast. I am really working so hard and striving everyday to help these people receive the restored gospel. We have really seen miracles, and the Lord has been guiding me by the hand and helping me learn every single day and it is the most worthwhile time of my life. I love being a missionary. I love serving the Lord.

We taught a less active couple and the husband was saying that church is only a part of what he has to do, he has work, and he has other things, but church is only a portion. That is somewhat true but I thought to myself, hermano you may have forgotten the law of consecration and the joy that comes when we dedicate ourselves to the things that matter most. Everything that we do here on earth is to enjoy life, learn and build the kingdom of God. I hope to be able to serve the Lord all of my life and never lose that vision.

I am grateful for you all and your support and prayers. I love you all so much. I am grateful for the examples that each one of you are to me. I know our Savior lives and is fully aware of each of us and our struggles and situations. He knows how to help us because of the Atonement and if we search his help he will always be there to help us arise. Have a great week!

Elder Newman

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